Are you checking your email obsessively to make sure you catch the Little Lanterns signup? Was your high schooler heartbroken last year when they didn’t get a spot for the Youth Qiyam? Are you eagerly hoping to get that coveted Tribos Suhoor spot? Well, worry no more as we have a solution for you!

We are excited to announce the rollout of our MFC Ramadan FastPass! The process is simple - sign up for 4 volunteer opportunities and receive 1 credit to pre-register for any Ramadan program before it is opened up to the rest of the community! You can sign up for as many volunteer opportunities as you’d like and keep stacking those pre-registrations credits, so go ahead and start reaping the rewards of your efforts in this life as well as the next inshaAllah!

We are currently accepting volunteers in the following areas:

-Little Lanterns chaperones

-Taraweeh setup (at Owen Brown Interfaith Center)

-Event cleanup

Please make sure to go back after choosing each volunteer opportunity and add 4 volunteer spots to your cart before you checkout.

Please note:

-If you cannot make it to your volunteering commitment, please find someone else to cover your spot and notify

-If you do not show up to your spot, you will lose your registration or forfeit your pre-registration credit.

-Parents/family members over the age of 18 can pool volunteer activities. For example, mom can do 2 nights of Little Lanterns and dad can do 2 nights of Taraweeh setup to cumulatively receive 1 pre-registration credit for their child.

Please reach out to with any questions.