Welcome to MFC’s Paradise Power-Up Program!

Ramadan is a great time to encourage our youth to strive for the best of this world and the hereafter. It's critical that we instill beautiful memories and associations of Ramadan in our youth! This rewards program will inshaAllah do just that, as they strive to do more good deeds, please Allah, and get rewarded in this world and the hereafter. Kids - do good deeds, earn points, and claim prizes!!

Available Prizes this Ramadan!


1. Participants should complete the deeds with sincere intentions and focus on the spiritual benefits of completing the deeds during Ramadan. The ultimate goal of the program is to strengthen your connection with Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم (and increase your acts of worship during this blessed month.

2. The program is open to all individuals who are participating in Ramadan and are in the defined grade-school class level categories (i.e., Kindergarten through 12th Grade).

3. Participants will earn punch card points (“Points”) based on completion of defined deeds during Ramadan. The deeds and Point allocation are based on: (1) the grade-school class level of the participant; and (2) the deed being performed.

4. Participants will be issued color-coded rings that include punch cards¹. The color of each ring is based on the grade-school class level of the participant. Punch cards and rings may be shared or combined between siblings in the same family (e.g., to encourage each other); however, one prize will be awarded per redemption in accordance with the applicable conversion.

5. Each deed will earn the participant Points based on a conversion method determined by the organizers. The organizers may update or modify the point values and conversion as the program develops.

6. Participants must independently track their completion of each deed on a daily basis and request their card be punched for Points at the end of each night the deed was performed or at the beginning of the following night after the deed was performed.² Participants are reminded that even the smallest of actions will be recorded and accounted for on the Day of Judgement, so act with integrity and honor, knowing that Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم (is watching and will reward good deeds, and will hold you accountable.³

7. Participants can earn bonus Points for completing additional tasks outside of each nightly deed.

Bonus points will be awarded at the discretion of the Point Administrators.

8. Every Friday night, participants can opt to redeem Points for fun prizes that will be distributed at

the prize station in the main hall.

9. The program organizers reserve the right to disqualify any participant who does not follow the rules

or engages in any inappropriate behavior.

10. Participants are encouraged to support each other in their efforts to complete the deeds. Islam

teaches us to compete in a healthy and fair manner, without feeling jealous or envious of

others. Winning should not be seen as decreasing from others, but rather as a means of

self-improvement and benefiting the community as a whole.

¹ Lost rings will be replaced at the discretion of the organizers and a maximum of once per participant.

² Point Administrators will be available to issue points before and after Taraweeh each night. Request for card punches during prayer, khatira, dhikr, or other periods of worship will risk loss of points, at the discretion of the Point Administrator.

³ Organizers will be monitoring participant compliance with these procedures to ensure integrity and conduct is in accordance with MFC’s mission and values.

- The conversion and prize charts are provided as examples only. The organizers may update or modify the prizes, point values and conversion as the program develops.

- The points for praying Taraweeh are capped at the amounts for 8-Rikat and Witr (i.e., if a 2nd Grader prays 8-RIkat, the eligible point total is 6 points, not 9 points).

- Punch cards must be turned in for the exact value of the applicable prize category.